- Octorara Area School District
- For Parents
- Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
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Octorara Primary Learning Center
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Parent Drop-Off Procedures
- We have a large number of students being dropped off each day and our number one priority is helping your child make it safely to the OPLC.
- Students may be dropped off at the OPLC between 8:30 and 8:45.
- If you are dropping off your child in the morning and there is no car in front of you, please pull your vehicle all the way up to the End Parent Drop Off sign.
- We have signs to identify the area for the students to safely exit your vehicle.
- If your vehicle is between the two signs, your child can exit the vehicle. Otherwise, please wait until you are within the signs.
- Please wait for the vehicle in front of you to leave the area before pulling away.
- Do not pass other vehicles in the drop off lane.
- If you wish to walk your child into the school, please park in the main parking lot rather than the spaces in the parent drop off location.
- Now that students know how to find their classrooms, we are asking parents to only escort students to the front doors and let students make their way to their classroom independently.
- After 8:45, students need to be escorted into the building by an adult and signed in, and will be marked late.
- Click here to read the entire letter from Mrs. Lease.
Parent Pick-Up Procedures
- We have a large number of students getting picked up on a daily basis.
- Due to the large number of parent pick ups, please arrive between 3:00-3:15 pm using the parent pick up door (side gym door). All adults sent to pick-up children MUST be registered in the District System as a Parent/Guardian or Emergency Contact; otherwise, students will not be released.
- Provide a photo ID upon arrival, sign out student(s) and take pick up card(s).
- Give card to assistant when leaving the room.
- Please park in the East Parking lot if there are not available parking spots in the main lot.
- Handicapped accessible spots are designated and to be used only by vehicles who have a handicapped license plate or hanging placard.
- Please be mindful that these spaces are reserved for vehicles with these credentials.
- Click here to read the entire letter from Mrs. Lease.
Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.