Octorara Area Career & Technical Education
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OHSPSA Instructors
Mark Barto
Mr. Barto was born and raised in Lancaster City and is a graduate of J.P. McCaskey High School. While in high school he participated in several sports and was introduced to the volunteer fire service, which led him to join his local organization.
Mr. Barto’s diverse career
path has included the U.S. Navy, firefighter, motorcycle racer, pole vault coach, stock broker and financial planner. Throughout his journey he was fortunate enough to be exposed to many excellent instructors and mentors which led him to his current role. Mr. Barto is a graduate of the Texas A&M Fire Training Program as well as earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on Finance and Economics. Mr. Barto has completed post-graduate course work in the fields of education, human behavior, fire
science, emergency management, coaching and is currently working towards his Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Homeland Security.Mr. Barto has traveled to 57 different countries teaching and learning along the way. With over 30 years experience in the fire/EMS
world in both career and volunteer organizations, Mr. Barto has worked through the ranks to hold virtually every officer rank and administrative position inside the organizations he has served for across the country and is currently serving as a Deputy Chief. Mr. Barto is an adjunct
suppression instructor for the State Fire Academy as well as Harrisburg Area Community College and Bucks County Community College.Mr. Barto is a National Registry Emergency Medical Technician and instructor. Mr. Barto is a member of the following professional
organizations: IAFC, ISFSI, KCFSI, NVFC, LCFA, LCFCA, NFPA. Mr. Barto teaches a variety of firefighting, rescue, management, hazardous materials, leadership, EMS and tactical classes and is a frequent contributor to industry publications. Mr. Barto’s passion for emergency
services drove him to create the Octorara Homeland Security & Protective Services Academy both to address the national crisis involving emergency services and to afford students the opportunity to graduate high school fully certified and turn-key employable in the public safety/emergency management disciplines.John Narcise
John Narcise started his law enforcement career in 1984. During John’s career he worked as a patrol officer and has served in the Millbourne, SEPTA, West Chester, and Willistown police departments. Throughout the years John was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, to Lieutenant, and then promoted to the rank of Chief of Police for the Willistown police department and has served in that capacity for the past 30 years until his retirement in 2020.
John was a labor negotiator for the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 11 and has served on many hiring, promotion, discipline and policy boards. He also served on the Opioid Drug Task Force and is a member of the International Chiefs of Police. John currently serves as President of Bluebeards for Charity.
John is a graduate of West Chester University with a Master of Science Degree in Administration and also holds an Undergraduate Degree in Criminal Justice and Public Administration. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy #218 and has taken specialized training in Interviewing, Leadership, and Statement Analysis. John is a member of the International Honor Society in Social Science.
John has coached youth sports since 1992 and served as President of the URA Recreation Association Cal Ripken Baseball League. John has coached numerous teams including the Kenneth Senior Legion Baseball Team and has held many baseball clinics helping players with their transition to college baseball.
Robert Linnenbaugh
Robert Linnenbaugh is a National Registered EMT, a Pennsylvania EMT Instructor, and a local level non-suppression fire instructor. He has an extensive background in fire, EMS, and emergency management. Mr. Linnenbaug holds an Associate’s degree in Emergency Management from the Delaware County Community College, is a graduate of both the Emergency Management Advanced Academy and the Master Exercise Practitioner from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management Institute in Emmetsburg, Maryland.
Mr. Linnenbaugh worked for the Avondale Fire Company as the EMS Manager, Union Fire Co. of Oxford as an EMT, and most recently for the County of Chester in several positions including EMS Training Coordinator, Fiscal Coordinator, and Emergency Management Planner. He is also employed by the West Grove Fire Company as a part-time EMT/Firefighter.
Mr. Linnenbaugh has been an active volunteer for 34 years with the Cochranville Fire Company, he currently holds the position of Fire Chief. During his career at Cochranville he has held numerous other positions including, Board Member, QRS Captain, Lieutenant, Captain, Assistant Chief, and Deputy Chief. Rob is also a life member of the Chester County Fire Chiefs Association of which he is currently serving the association as the secretary.