Common Sense Media

  • Since the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year, we have been working with our students to teach them about digital citizenship.  We have been using lessons created by Common Sense Education, a non-profit organization.  As a district, we feel it is important to work with students on how to learn and grow in a digital world.  Moving to 1:1 is an important step in leveraging technology to aid in our students' ability to develop their 21st century skills (communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration).  As such, learning how to navigate the digital world and to develop strategies is equally important.  We hope you take the time to view these resources and have discussions with your children about what they are learning in school and what they are doing online.  
    Please use this resource to learn more about digital citizenship and the conversations you have with your children about being safe and making good choices online.
    This is a great resource for parents on movies, books, games, and other media that children consume.  Get reviews and a guide on whether the media is appropriate for your child.