Annual Notices


    Each school year, the Octorara Area School District publishes information regarding school policies. Below is a list of policies that require or recommend either annual notification or periodic notification, as indicated. To access the District’s school board policy, visit Welcome - School Board Policy Manual BoardDocs® PL



    006.: Meetings

    103: Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students

    103.1 Nondiscrimination-Qualified Students with Disabilities

    104: Discrimination-Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Staff

    105.1: Review of Instructional Materials by Parents/Guardians and Students

    113: Special Education

    114: Gifted Education

    123: Interscholastic Athletics

    123.1 Concussion Management

    123.2 Sudden Cardiac Arrest

    138: Language Instruction Educational Program for English Learners

    142: Migrant Students

    143: Standards for Persistently Dangerous Schools

    144: Standards for Victims of Violent Crimes

    146: Student Services

    200: Enrollment of Students

    203: Immunizations and Communicable Diseases

    204: Attendance

    209: Health Examinations and Screenings

    209.1 Food Allergy Management

    209.2 Diabetes Management

    210: Medications

    210.1 Possession/Administration of Asthma Inhalers/Epinephrine Auto-Injectors

    216: Student Records

    218: Student Discipline

    218.1 Weapons

    222: Tobacco and Vaping Products (Students)

    226: Searches

    235: Student Rights and Responsibilities

    235.1: Surveys

    236.1 Threat Assessment

    237: Electronic Devices

    246: School Wellness

    247: Hazing

    249: Bullying/Cyberbullying

    250: Student Recruitment

    312: Performance Assessment of the Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent

    323: Tobacco and Vaping Products (Employees)

    604: Budget Adoption

    619: District Audit

    621: Local Taxpayer Bill of Rights

    705: Facilities and Workplace Safety

    707: Use of School Facilities

    716: Integrated Pest Management

    805: Emergency Preparedness and Response

    806: Child Abuse

    808: Food Services

    810.2: Transportation-Video/Audio Recording

    823: Naloxone

    824: Maintaining Professional Adult/Student Boundaries

    904: Public Attendance at School Events

    906: Public Complaint Procedures

    918: Title I Parent and Family Engagement



    Based on “posting” for specific reasons, or specific time frame not given.

    100: Comprehensive Planning-plans must be made available for inspection for 28 days.

    105: Curriculum

    108: Adoption of Textbooks

    109: Resource Materials

    113.4: Confidentiality of Special Education Student Information

    115: Career and Technical Information

    122: Extracurricular Activities

    127: Assessment System

    137.1: Extracurricular Participation by Home Education Students

    137.2 Participation in Cocurricular Activities and Academic Courses by Home Education Students

    137.3 Participation in Career and Technical Education Programs by Home Education Students

    140.1: Extracurricular Participation by Charter/Cyber Charter Students

    203.1: HIV Infection-Students

    217: Graduation

    218.2: Terroristic Threats

    218.3: Discipline of Student Convicted/Adjudicated of Sexual Assault

    220: Student Expression/Dissemination of Materials

    227: Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia

    233: Suspension and Expulsion

    251: Students Experiencing Homelessness, Foster Care and Other Educational Instability

    252: Dating Violence

    302: Employment of Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent

    309.1: Telework

    314.1: HIV Infection-Employees

    332: Working Periods

    333: Professional Development

    335: Family and Medical Leaves

    340: Responsibility for Student Welfare

    351: Drug and Substance Abuse

    610: Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation

    626: Federal Fiscal Compliance

    718: Service Animals in School

    801: Public Records

    810: Transportation

    810.1: School Bus Drivers and School Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers

    810.3: School Vehicle Drivers

    815: Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources

    816: District Social Media

    819: Suicide Awareness, Prevention, and Response

    827: Conflict of Interest

    830: Breach of Computerized Personal Information

    901: Public Relations Objectives

    916: Volunteers

         The Octorara Area School District also invites parents and guardians of students to review the following annual notices about specific services, protocols, and requirements per federal and state law.  Please contact the Superintendent’s office at 610-593-8238 extension 30500 with any questions about the information found in this document. 


    • Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act

    • Child Find (Special Education)

    • Child Nutrition Programs

    • Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

    • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    • Integrated Pest Management letter

    • McKinney Vento Homeless Act

    • Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment

    • School Health Act—Immunization Requirements letter


         Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act: The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires school districts to inspect their buildings for asbestos-containing building materials and develop, maintain and update an asbestos management plan.  The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notice for parents and guardians of Octorara students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). It is the intention of the school district to comply with all federal and state regulations controlling asbestos and to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure students and employees a healthy and safe environment in which to learn and work.  The Asbestos Management Plan is available for review at the Octorara Area School District Administration Building. 

              Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Letter


         Child Find (Special Education): The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notice to parents and guardians of Octorara students to describe the special education programs and services that are available, the process by which each of the school entities screens and evaluates students to determine eligibility for special education services, gifted services, or Chapter 15/504 services, and information regarding the confidentiality of student educational records.  If you would like a copy of this notice in a language other than English, please contact the Special Education Office at 610-593-8238.

    Annual Notice of Special Education Services


         Child Nutrition Programs: The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notice for parents and guardians of Octorara students, in accordance with regulations set forth by the Free and Reduced Lunch Program and the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, which reauthorized the School Lunch Programs of the Child Nutrition Act. Please refer to the district’s board policy manual under the school board tab to learn more about Octorara’s compliance with federal and state guidelines.


         Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notice to parents and guardians of Octorara students in accordance with the regulations set forth by Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) providing parents with a complete list of the programs the District uses along with privacy policies and terms of service for each website or app. Please refer to the district’s board policy manual under the school board tab to learn more about Octorara’s compliance with federal and state guidelines.


         Elementary and Secondary Education Act: The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notices for parents and guardians of Octorara students in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.  Please refer to the district’s board policy manual under the school board tab to learn more about Octorara’s compliance with federal and state guidelines.


         Family Education Rights and Privacy Act: The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notice to parents and guardians of Octorara students in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  If your family speaks a home language other than English and you need assistance translating these documents beyond that provided by Google Translate, please contact us at (phone) and (extension). Please refer to the district’s board policy manual under the school board tab to learn more about Octorara’s compliance with federal and state guidelines.

    FERPA Guidance for Parents


         Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notice to parents and guardians of Octorara students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  If you would like a copy of this annual notice in a language other than English, please contact the Special Education Office at 610-593-8238.

    Procedural Safeguards Notice


         Integrated Pest Management Notice: The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notice to parents and guardians of Octorara students as set forth by the District’s Integrated Pest Management procedures and protocols. Please refer to the district’s board policy manual under the school board tab to learn more about Octorara’s compliance with federal and state guidelines.

    Integrated Pest Management Letter


         McKinney Vento Act (Homeless Students): The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notice to parents and guardians of Octorara students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by the McKinney Vento Act (Homeless Students). Please refer to the district’s board policy manual under the school board tab to learn more about Octorara’s compliance with federal and state guidelines.

    McKinney Vento Homeless Information


         Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA): The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notice to parents and guardians of Octorara students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by Protection of Pupils Rights Amendment (PPRA).

    Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)


         School Health Act: The Octorara Area School District provides the following annual notice to parents and guardians of Octorara students, in accordance with the School Health Act. Pennsylvania requires immunizations and examinations for students.

    -A physical examination upon original school admission (i.e. kindergarten or first grade), grades 6 and 11.

    -A dental examination upon original school admission (i.e. kindergarten or first grade), grades 3 and 7.

    -A vision acuity test annually in all grades.

    -A hearing acuity test in kindergarten, grades 1, 2, 3, 7, and 11.

    -Measurement of height, weight and Body Mass Index annually (required for all grades).

    -Scoliosis screening in grades 6 and 7.

    Please click on the link below for PA immunization requirements.

    PA Immunization Information