SOAR College Credits for CTE Programs

  • The search below is for CTE seniors/graduates to see how PA Bureau of Career and Technical Education SOAR Programs of Study taken at the High School level may transfer into participating college, universities, and technical centers. The awarding of college-level credit is acceptable for up to three (3) years after the qualifying student’s graduation date from the Program of Study at the High School. Please select a Program of Study and Graduation year.

    Once a search is completed, the results displayed will indicate how credit may be awarded to an individual that has successfully taken the particular Program of Study. The results are ordered alphabetically by institution and users can select View Detail to see more information about the articulation.

    CTE College Transfer Credits

    How Do I Apply for SOAR Credits?

    The student will apply through the normal admissions process at the postsecondary institution found in the SOAR program search.

    In addition, the student will need to submit the following required documentation designating that he or she is a SOAR participant seeking advanced credit:

    Students should contact their high school guidance counselor for assistance with submitting these additional documents.

    Qualified SOAR program students are eligible to apply for credits up to 3 years after their high school graduation date.